Pseudo Code : 1 . Declare variables 2 . Accept Input - weeklySales 3 . Calculate Gross Sales * . 07 4 . Calculate Federal Pay * . 18 5 . Calculate Social Pay * . 06 6 . Calculate Pay * . 1 7 . Calculate Total Tax + Social Security + Retirement 8 . Calculate Total Take Home Pay - Total Deductions 9 . Display the following on separate lines and format variables with $ and decimal . a . Total Sales Amount : value of weekly sales b . Gross Pay (. 07 ): value of gross pay c . Federal Tax paid (. 18 ): value of federal tax d . Social Security paid (. 06 ): value of social security e . Retirement contribution (. 1 ): value of retirement f . Total Deductions : value of total deductions g . Take Home Pay : value of take home pay Note : Use SetPrecisions ( 2 ) to format the output ( see page 98 of the text ). The statements should look something like the following : // include the iomanip header file at the top of the file # include // use fixed and setprecision ( 2 ) to format the number // use setw ( 8 ) to control the width of the field // use \ t to control the spacing between fields cout < fixed ="">< setprecision ( 2 );=""> cout < " gross ="" pay ="" ( 0.07 ):\ t ="" $"="">< setw ( 8 )="">< grosspay ="">< endl ;="">