Devotion Booklets for Seasons of the Church Year Lent 2018 | Page 57

Giving up the Keys Monday, April 2nd 1 Corinthians 15:14,17,20 “Hand over your keys, son!” Jared is grounded. He both earned it and deserved it. He obediently hands over the car keys to his dad. He’s stuck at home this weekend. Without those keys, it doesn’t really matter that there’s a set of wheels waiting in the driveway. It doesn’t really matter that there’s gas in the tank. It doesn’t matter that there’s valid insurance on the vehicle. Without those keys having a car is futile. In a few short sentences from the so-called “Great Resurrection Chapter of the Bible,” the Apostle Paul tells a similar story. 1 Corinthians 15 contemplates the story of a Christian who has everything necessary for a good future… except the “car keys.” Without the keys, the Christian is going nowhere. You see, Jesus preached of new opportunities for our inner life. That old nagging conscience, hounding us with threats and warnings of our damning misbehaviors can be silenced with the truth: “I will remember your sins no more!” The deep-rooted anxiety that the holy God on heaven’s throne actually hates who I am is dissolved in the reality: “God demonstrates his love for me in this way: even while I was still a sinner, Christ died for me.” The truth that Christ, God’s Chosen One, has forgiven me today means today is filled with good news! But a today always leads to a tomorrow. Follow this chain of days long enough, and we realize that all the todays and all the tomorrows always lead to an eventual end that is our death. Once you are dead, the great thinkers of the Apostle Paul’s day reasoned, no todays matter anymore. Daily memories, joys, loved ones, accomplishments, family members, friends… everything is wiped out. If death takes all from me in the end, then my life is already futile. If death is the end, living as a Christian is futile. Without resurrection, I am futile. But listen to this: Jesus showed that death is not the end. For as Paul testified, “Christ has indeed been raised from the dead.” And he’s just the first! After his first personal resurrection inevitably comes the resurrection of more people: the second and third and fourth… and more. Because Jesus lives, we too will live! Somewhere in this number line of personal, powerful, physical resurrections, is your number. Jared’s car means nothing until he holds the keys again. But with keys in hand, the door unlocks, the engine starts and off he goes! On Easter morning, Jesus handed us the keys. As his people with hope and a good future, off we go! Prayer: Lord, when I feel trapped by discouragement or powerless over my problems, remind me that I am forgiven, dearly loved, and heading toward a good future through Jesus. Amen. Activity: Find a set of keys. For every key on the key ring tell what the key unlocks. Then, tell one earthly or eternal blessing that Jesus unlocks for you that you especially appreciate. 57