It Is Enough
1 John 2:2
Saturday , March 17th
Be amazed at the extent of God ’ s love : “ Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person , though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die . But God demonstrates his own love for us in this : While we were still sinners , Christ died for us ” ( Romans 5:7,8 ). But God doesn ’ t stop there . He keeps going . For the one whose conscience condemns with , “ You are the worst of sinners ,” for the one who judges their own heart and life as “ not good enough ,” God keeps going . God announces to you , “ Jesus Christ ] is the atoning sacrifice for our sins , and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world ” ( 1 John 2:2 ).
If God loves the whole world , then he loves me too ! If God loves the whole world then I am not condemned . If God loves the whole world then those sins that I thought God ’ s grace couldn ’ t cover – they are covered . If God loves the whole world , then the atoning sacrifice of Jesus satisfied God ’ s anger that was directed towards me .
If God ’ s sacrifice for sin is for the whole world , then it applies to the one I judged “ not good enough ” to be forgiven . If God ’ s sacrifice for sin is for the whole world then it applies to the one I deemed “ not worthy ” to receive God ’ s grace . Certainly the latest news stories make us shake our heads over the gross sins of our world . We remember God ’ s atoning sacrifice is enough for my sins , yes , and not just for my sins , it is enough for the sins of the whole world .
Instead of judging who is worthy of God ’ s grace and who is not worthy of God ’ s grace we turn our attention to the place where God judged the whole world of sinners . At the cross we can estimate the nature of our sin and the sin of the whole world . We look to the cross and learn how God deals with sin , our sin and all sin . It took the Son of God dying to pay for sin . God judges that his Son ’ s sacrifice is enough . We go to the cross and find the only one who is perfect . We put our trust in him . We direct others to his sacrifice . It is enough .
Prayer : Dear Lord , set me free from the sin of judging others to be worthy or unworthy of your grace . Give me eyes to see all people as souls for whom your sacrifice is enough . Amen .
Activity : Pick up the nearest magazine in your living room . Look at all the different faces in that magazine . Skim the pages of the magazine looking at all the different faces and reminding one another that Jesus ’ sacrifice is for the whole world .