Devotion Booklets for Seasons of the Church Year Lent 2018 | Page 32

Be Humble
1 Peter 5:6
Sunday , March 11th
Perhaps you are familiar with the concept of the acronym GOAT ? No , it is not a new government program or the latest text speak . It stands for :
Greatest Of All Time .
Maybe you have heard someone use it in reference to a debate over which quarterback should be at the front of the line of all of the hall of fame signal callers . You might hear the phrase used in the realm of politics when folks are wrangling over which president had the biggest impact on our country . Have you ever been part of any discussion or debate when it comes to being the GOAT ?
Each time we are confronted with God ' s law , we are humbled by our sins . The law brings us to our knees when we realize in no uncertain terms that we are the GOAT in the realm of violating God ' s Law . We must echo the words of Paul
Chief of sinners though I be , Jesus shed his blood for me , Died that I might live on high , Lives that I might never die . As the branch is to the vine , I am his and he is mine !
The gospel shines through in the verse of this often used hymn . It is that good news that lifts us up , dusts us off and gives us the utmost confidence . In due time , Jesus went willingly to the cross , earned eternal life for us , and placed his name on us !
Prayer : O God , pride is a real and present problem . Give your grace to those who are humble . Give us the humility of your Son , that we may embody the generosity of Jesus Christ , our Savior and Lord . Amen .
Activity : Discuss in what ways Jesus humbled himself in order to earn salvation for the world .