Devotion Booklets for Seasons of the Church Year Lent 2018 | Page 29

Give Up a Sense of Security Friday, March 9th Psalm 112:1,6-8 Do you have alethephobia (the fear of hearing bad news)? Do you cringe every time you get an oil change because you expect your mechanic to give you a long list of repairs nee ded for your car? Do you dread going to the doctor because you’re afraid of what your doctor might say? Do you fear telling your loved one how you really feel because of how your loved one might react? The temptation is real, to fear bad news, because so often, bad news can shake us right to the core. When the phone rings and we hear, “Mom just died,” or when the doctor comes in and we hear, “It’s cancer,” or after years of a struggling marriage, we hear a spouse say, “I’m leaving you”…bad news can destroy any sense of security we have in this life. So what does God say? Give up your sense of security. Don’t allow your heart to anchor its security in the things or the people of this life. For if you do, they will fail you, and you’ll carry this alethephobia wherever you go. Instead, in Psalm 112, God says, “Blessed is the one who fears and trusts in the LORD, who finds delight in him and his commands. He will never be shaken, he will have no fear of bad news, his heart is secure, he will have no fear.” The only true sense of security one can have in this life is the security that we find in the God of the Bible. For if you examine God’s track record, if you look at his relentless desire to save you, if you scroll through the pages of Scripture, this is what you see: A God who was willing to give up his own Son, a Savior who was willing to give up his own life, all for a sinner like me. And when through the eyes of faith you know that to be true, here’s the only conclusion one can logically come to: God loves me. God has saved me. Heaven is my home, and God won’t rest until he brings safely there. But this place isn’t heaven. This life won’t be perfect. I may lose money, I may lose my health, my loved ones may die. But in the grand scheme of life, that is all ok. For my security does not rest in the things and the people of this life. My security rests firmly in my loving God. Prayer: Lord God, may you continue to be my refuge and strength. Amen. Activity: Describe one piece of bad news that you’ve received this week. Explain how your security in Christ gives you confidence in the face of this bad news. 29