Devotion Booklets for Seasons of the Church Year Lent 2018 | Page 24

Within Your Community Sunday, March 4th Matthew 10:16 Talking to other people about Jesus isn’t always easy. Even Jesus himself understood how challenging this would be for his own disciples. He spends nearly all of Matthew Chapter 10 giving the disciples detailed instructions about what to say and why their message was so important for people in their community to hear. Jesus realized his disciples would be giving up their physical and spiritual sense of security, but it was time for them to transition from being disciples (followers) to being leaders in sharing the gospel with their Israelite neighbors. But this would not be an easy task for the disciples. When Jesus tells them “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves,” I am guessing he knew their thoughts and feelings as they were preparing for their mission. They were likely afraid and maybe even hesitant to believe that anyone would really listen to what they had to say. They were just uneducated, seemingly unqualified, often faith-lacking followers. He even warns them that there would, in fact, be people who would not welcome them or listen to their message; some would even be arrested and flogged by government officials. Jesus has given all of us the same commission he gave to the disciples in Matthew Chapter 10. We are to spread the message of salvation to the lost sheep of (insert your city or town), but that task can seem daunting if our focus is on only the worldly wolves. People won’t listen to me; I’m just a (insert your excuse). What if people, even my friends, make fun of me for being a Christian? Sharing the gospel is more of a pastor’s job. Despite the dangers, the disciples boldly preached throughout Israel because their focus was not on the words “like sheep among wolves”; but on the assurance “I (Jesus...the Son of God...King of Kings...Lord Almighty...) am sending you out.” They understood that the One sending them was greater than their sense of security. Like he did with his twelve disciples, Jesus needs you to give up your sense of security in your community. Whether you are reading this in an urban apartment or in a rural village, you know people around you who urgently need to hear about their loving, forgiving Savior, the one who longs to spend eternity with them in heaven. Is there a better time to do this than during the Lent/Easter season?! While the task may not be easy, Jesus assures you that He is sending you out with His message. So give up your sense of security and your hesitation and start sharing the Easter message in your community! Prayer: Dear Jesus, This world needs to hear about your love. Thank you for assuring me that I have the greatest message to share with my community. Forgive me for times when I make excuses and am even ashamed to share my faith with others. Through the Holy Spirit, empower me to give up my sense of security and be a bold ambassador for you. Amen! Activity: Make a list of specific people in your community that you can invite to your church’s Easter service. 24