Devotion Booklets for Seasons of the Church Year Lent 2018 | Page 21

Unrealistic Expectations Friday, March 2nd John 16:33 You know you have them, we all do. They fester in your mind as you lie awake at night. They pester you during the day as you go about your work. For months the same idea occupies your thoughts. What are they? Unrealistic expectations. All the things we want to make our lives better here on earth but never seem to grab hold of. More money, a bigger house, a fancier car, a maid to clean up after us, the list goes on forever. And it doesn’t stop with things; our unrealistic expectations can be as simple as wanting our grief to end. No matter what we do the grief and trouble of this world seem to follow us around like a sad puppy. So we add expectation upon expectation of what we want to make all the sorrow and trouble disappear. The problem is that it never does. You read book after book claiming to have the answers that will rid you of all your troubles. Preachers preach, “if you just try hard enough all your troubles will end. If you pray harder, love deeper, feel closer, all your troubles will vanish.” But they never do and before you know it, your unrealistic expectations drive you to despair. Enter Jesus into the situation. Listen to what he says —“But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Jesus doesn’t sugar coat it for us, he tells us the reality of the world we live in, “Now is your time of grief” (John 16:22). It’s time to give up your expectations of a better life here on earth. As dearly loved children of God we know there is something better. We know that the plush life here on earth pales in comparison to the one we are destined for in eternity. It's far better. Jesus said, “but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy” (John 16:22). Expectations about this life are replaced by the promises God gives us about eternal life. That gives us peace. That gives us reason to give up our expectations of a better life here on earth. Jesus promises us riches beyond our imagination—eternal life in the presence of our God. Jesus overcame the world by his innocent death and miraculous resurrection. Showing us that the grief and troubles we face in this world are but a blimp on the radar. For, “our sufferings at the present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us” (Romans 8:18). Prayer: Lord Jesus, by your mercy you came down from heaven to conquer the world by destroying the power of sin through your death and resurrection. Give us the strength to trust in the better life you have waiting for us. Amen. Activity: Write out at least five blessings you have been given by the grace of God in your life. 21