Devotion Booklets for Seasons of the Church Year Lent 2018 | Page 14

Give Up Control of Your Desires
Matthew 6:28-34
Saturday , February 24th
I once lived in a neighborhood where nearly every home owner had a dog . Most of the dogs were confined inside fences , but a few of the dogs were rather unrestrained and they loved to chase cars . Any time I drove past a certain house , I knew that the dogs would come barreling out on to the road barking and snarling , seemingly determined to catch my car and devour it . I often wondered what would happen if they actually caught my car . Would they really take a bite of it ? If they would , I am guessing that they would not find the vehicle very tasty nor nutritious .
The term “ rat race ” is often used to describe modern life on planet earth . We see all kinds of people chasing all kinds of stuff all over the place . Many people on earth live like those dogs from my neighborhood : chasing and chasing and chasing , but never really catching and never really reaching what they are after . Additionally , they chase after things that can never fulfill them . The life theme of many people seems to be “ I NEED MORE STUFF !” or “ I NEED BETTER STUFF !” We can easily get caught up in this chase too , because we are surrounded by more stuff and better stuff and by people telling us that we NEED MORE . Stuff is so shiny and tantalizing . But does more and better stuff really make life better ? It may make it more convenient ... sort of . It may make it more efficient … for a time . However , does stuff really bring fulfillment ? Nope . It cannot . The very nature of stuff is that it is here today and gone tomorrow . So when we do finally catch it , we find out that it was , well , rather disappointing .
Our reading for today , however , tells us about something that is never disappointing and that always brings fulfillment : God ’ s kingdom and his righteousness . God ’ s kingdom and righteousness are never disappointing because God is not short-lived . He is eternal . Therefore , he can fulfill us eternally . God ’ s kingdom is not about a short-lived connection with MORE STUFF , but about an eternal connection with the Creator , Redeemer and Sanctifier of our souls . God ’ s righteousness is not about convenience , but fulfillment … true fulfillment . And it ’ s all ours through Jesus . So , stop chasing cars … and any other stuff . Instead , “ Seek God ’ s kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well .”
Prayer : Dear Almighty Lord , thank you for bringing us into your kingdom and making us righteous through Jesus . Forgive us for the times when we chase after stuff instead of seeking your kingdom . Help us to seek you first all the days of our lives . Amen .
Activity : Write down how you spent your time today . If someone was to look at your list , what would they say you are chasing ? Now , tell each other where and how you will specifically seek God ’ s kingdom and his righteousness tomorrow .