Devotion Booklets for Seasons of the Church Year Lent 2018 | Page 12

Trust in the Lord ’ s Guidance
Proverbs 3:5-6
Thursday , February 22nd
If you have flown more than a few times , chances are you have had to land in the middle of a rainstorm or some thick fog . As a pilot , that must be a bit stressful . As they descend , getting closer and closer to the ground , they must simply trust their instruments to guide them safely to the runway . They use special instruments like a radar altimeter that determines the height of the plane above the earth and a localizer signal that guides them to a correct lateral position . The flight systems they use are so accurate that it is possible for a plane to land safely with zero visibility . However , as you can imagine , it is sometimes difficult for pilots to surrender their own judgment to the instruments , especially when it seems to go against what they think is best .
It isn ' t just pilots that have to do that . God directs us to trust in him and his word , even when it seems to go against what we might think is best . This can be very difficult for us as we fly through the fog and storms of this life . For example , human wisdom says that if people have wronged you , you should show them that you are not going to take it lying down . You even have the right to make them feel the same pain you have felt . It also says that if your spouse is not meeting your emotional or physical needs , it might be best to find another person to fulfill your desires . And if you got yourself into a difficult situation , you should do whatever it takes , no matter what God ’ s word says , to get yourself out .
God ’ s word , however , says to “ lean not on your own understanding .” In other words , give up control of your own ideas of what is right and good . The LORD , the maker of heaven and earth , the one who sent his own Son to die for the sins of the world , is there for you . He is faithful and true . Even as you pass through the uncertainties and difficulties of this life , he promises to be with you and work everything for your good . Sometimes it might not be easy to see . But your God is more trustworthy than the instruments in a modern airplane . Trust in him . Follow his ways , and see how he blesses you right now as you look forward to spending eternity with him in heaven .
Prayer : Dear Lord , it is not always easy to trust in you . Focus my attention on your Word through which the Holy Spirit strengthens my faith , so that I rely on you and not on my own understanding . I ask this in Jesus ’ name . Amen .
Activity : Blindfold one member of your family and have another person try to guide them from one end of the house or room to the other using only their words . What was difficult about the activity ? How did the one who was blindfolded demonstrate trust ? How does this apply to what we heard today ?
Devotion adapted from the WELS Daily Devotion , June 13 , 2014 . 12