Devotion Booklets for Seasons of the Church Year Advent-Christmas Devotional - 2017 - single page | Page 36
Never Alone
Saturday, December 30th
Luke 2:36-38
Does her life seem lonely to you? It’s easy to read about Anna and focus on who wasn’t there. She had no
husband. Luke writes that her husband died after 7 years of marriage, which means she had been a widow
for most of her life. You don’t hear about kids or grandkids. Her parents, her siblings, her childhood
friends were probably all gone. It sounds like the only people in her life were the people she saw at the
temple as she worshipped, fasted, and prayed day and night.
Can you imagine? Imagine life without the people mentioned just a moment ago. Imagine life without your
parents, your kids, your brothers, your sisters, your friends, your neighbors, your grandparents, your aunts
and uncles. Some of the greatest gifts God gives us are our human relationships and so losing those
relationships hurts.
But even without all these relationships we value so much, Anna was never alone – and neither are you.
Because we have a God who comes to us.
That day in the temple, Son of God came to Anna as a baby. The creator of the universe was cradled in
Simeon’s arms! He was there so that we would never be alone. In life and in death, we have a God who is
with us because Jesus came to redeem us. He became a human child so that he could pay the price our sin
deserves with his death on the cross and so he would remove the sin that separates us from God.
Today God is still a God who comes to us. He came to you in the waters of your baptism. He comes to you
in the quiet whisper of his Word and in the bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper. There God comes to you
to make you his child and to keep you his child. There he promises that even if you lose all the human
relationships you value most, you are never alone.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank you for coming to us in Word and Sacrament and making us your
children. We often fail to appreciate our place in your family, yet you came to this world to forgive us for
our sins. Help us to remember, no matter how lonely we feel at times, that you never leave our side. In
Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Activity: Take a moment to make a list of the people you are thankful to have in your lives. Let everyone
share at least one example and let them explain why they are thankful for that person.