Powerful Words
John 1:14
Tuesday , December 26th
Human words have power . This has probably been driven home a time or two . Maybe you have been the one who spoke hurtful words or maybe you have had hurtful words spoken to you , but you have more than likely seen that words can cause incredible pain . It is also true that that words can bring needed healing . A well-spoken word can bring hope and healing to those who need it . Words have powerfully started wars and inspired incredible human achievement . For good or evil , words have power .
We marvel even more at the power of God ’ s Word . The opening verses of the Bible remind us of the power of God ’ s Word – he simply speaks and all the universe is pulled out of nothing . Elsewhere in the Scriptures , we see the power of God ’ s Word as he sends famine , topples kings , and sends fire and smoke from the heavens . In the gospels , God ’ s Son says to storming skies and raging seas “ be still ” and instantly they were calm . He spoke to the dead and immediately they lived .
When God describes how he sent his Son to earth he chose to describe him in John 1 as “ The Word .” You cannot separate Jesus from all that God has said and all that he has done and all that he will do . All the power behind all those words finds its place in Jesus . All of God came to this earth to be with us and to be for us .
When this Word speaks , he has power . When Jesus says , “ I am the way , the truth , and the life ,” you can be certain that Jesus means every one of those words and that Jesus is the true way to eternal life . When Jesus says , “ God so loved the world …” there is no reason to doubt that God does in fact love you . When Jesus says , “ It is finished ” you can be confident that there is no longer any punishment or sacrifice to be made for sin .
Jesus is the Word because he is the fulfillment of everything God has said . The Word has come to us this Christmas .
Prayer : Lord of all , thank you for sending Christ into this world as a fulfillment of all you have promised . Cause us to turn only to this Word made flesh for answers , direction , power , and life . Amen .
Activity : What is your favorite Bible verse ? Share it with your family .