Devotion Booklets for Seasons of the Church Year Advent-Christmas Devotional - 2017 - single page | Page 20
Worth It?
Saturday, December 16th
Revelation 2:10
Have you ever seen the show called “Fear Factor?” In this show, contestants move through three stages,
each containing something that they and most people fear. For example, one stage may involve eating
some kind of gross insect or animal part, like a Madagascar hissing cockroach or raw pig intestines.
(Hopefully you are reading this devotion long after dinner.) Another stage may involve contestants being
locked in a small, dark place with snakes. Why would anyone willingly put themselves through these
things? How can a show like this exist in the first place? The answer is lots and lots of prize money.
Prizes—especially the most valuable ones—come at a cost. Sometimes the cost is worth it. Sometimes it is
There is one prize that is greater than any other. Jesus reveals to John that this prize is the “crown of life.”
This is not some shiny trinket that promises riches or strength or power in this world. It’s the promise of
eternal life that will never perish, spoil, or fade. Life in God’s presence is the full realization of all of God’s
promises. The voice of every prophet who foretold the coming Savior . . . the voice of every parable that
depicted the kingdom of God . . . the cross, the empty tomb, the ascension, Jesus sitting in his coming
kingdom . . . think of every gospel promise God has ever made to his people, coming to complete
fulfillment right before your eyes while the songs of angels fill your ears. Can all of this possibly be for
you?! Yes! Your Savior has prepared the crown, and all that comes with it, for you: his beloved child. Does
that sound worth it?
Our lives will hopefully not contain many Madagascar hissing cockroaches or creepy snakes in
claustrophobia-enducing chambers, but life has plenty of other fears. Guilt afflicts our conscience.
Calamity in the world brings worry. And death is always looming. In addition, faithfulness to God’s Word is
not compatible with all that surrounds us in life. Many times our faithfulness looks more like feeble
fumbling than strong strides. But the one who promises us the crown of life is also faithful to his promises
to strengthen us, and to guide us on the path that leads to our heavenly home. All his promises are fulfilled
in Christ – every last one. The final promise we wait to see is the end, which will bring about the beginning
of eternal joys in heaven. There we will receive the crown of life.
And it will absolutely be worth it.
Prayer: Lord of heaven and earth, focus our faith on your eternal promises as we live our lives for you.
Activity: Read together or sing the words of “O Jesus Christ, Your Manger Is” (CW 40, st. 5)
The world may hold Her wealth in gold
But you, my heart, keep Christ as your true treasure.
To him hold fast Until at last
A crown is yours and honor in full measure.