Devotion Booklets for Seasons of the Church Year Advent-Christmas Devotional - 2017 - single page | Page 14

Have No Fear !

Joshua 1:9
Sunday , December 10th
Walking alone through a dark alley in a bad part of town would be pretty terrifying to most people . With no one to watch your back , you would probably feel very discouraged . However , if you walked through that same dark alley with a Navy SEAL team surrounding you , you would probably feel very safe , protected on all sides by those elite soldiers . A dark alley can feel terrifying , or it can feel safe . . . . it all depends on who is with you .
Joshua had every reason to be terrified and discouraged as he and the Israelites entered the promised land . Their great leader , Moses , was gone . The land of Canaan was filled with enemy nations that would oppose the Israelites every step of the way . Joshua easily could have trembled in fear as he thought about what lay ahead .
But Joshua didn ’ t need to be afraid . He could enter the promised land full of strength and courage , because he was not entering that land alone . The Lord his God was going with him . And sure enough , God proved he was with Joshua when the walls of Jericho fell at nothing but the sound of trumpets . God proved he was with Joshua when the sun stood still over a battlefield . God proved he was with Joshua when the list of defeated kings totaled thirty-one . God said he would be with Joshua wherever he went , and God kept that promise .
God will also keep that promise to you . God has gone to great lengths to prove that he is with you . He sent his Son , Jesus , to take on human flesh and win salvation for you . Before he ascended , Jesus reminded all of us , “ Surely I am with you always to the very end of the age .” In your baptism , God poured his Holy Spirit out on you . In Communion , Jesus gives you his body and blood to assure you that his forgiveness is with you . Christ lives in you , and he will never leave you nor forsake you .
You won ’ t always have a Navy SEAL team following you , but you have something better : God is with you wherever you go . Whether you are entering the hospital for treatment , beginning a new job , having a child , or sharing your faith with a friend , God goes with you . You can be strong and courageous no matter where life leads you . Have no fear ! No matter what scary dark alleys of life you walk down , your God is by your side .
Prayer : Dear Lord , be with us wherever we go on the path of this life . Give us strength and courage to face each day , knowing you are by our side . Amen .
Activity : Write “ God is with me ” on the top of a sticky note . Underneath , write all the places you will be going tomorrow . Put the note on your fridge or door so you remember God will be with you wherever you go .