Devotion Booklets for Seasons of the Church Year Advent-Christmas Devotional - 2017 - single page | Page 11
The Burden of Sin
Friday, December 8th
Psalm 32:3-4
Picture yourself as King David. The LORD has blessed you. He placed the kingdom of Israel in your hands.
He gave you victory in every battle you fought. He promised to send the Savior through your family! He
gave you trust in him as your Savior. His grace to you is overwhelming!
But look at what you’ve done. You seduced another man’s wife. You got her pregnant. You killed her
husband in battle to cover up your sin. You put all this in the back of your mind and put on your
benevolent king face. You comforted the widow by taking her into your home as your wife. All is fine. No
one will find out. You can still be the hero.
Or can you? David put on his “normal” face, but things weren’t normal. As long as he kept silence about his
dirty deeds, they ate away at him. He could still distinguish between right and wrong, but the regret of
what he did plagued him. His Spirit-guided conscience was still active, even if it was in the background.
Guilt and regret are two qualities the world does not esteem. It weighs me down. It keeps me from
enjoying life. True! David did not enjoy life while he was carrying the burden of what he did. The heavy
hand of God’s law to convict the heart is a necessary part of our lives. “Through the law we become
conscious of sin.” (Rom.3)