Devotion Booklets for Seasons of the Church Year Advent 2019 - God With Us | Page 5

Thursday, December 5 Reading: Isaiah 8-9 ( 5 minutes) Short Reading: Isaiah 9:1-7 ( 1 minute) Words of comfort and hope to believers and words of judgment upon unbelief are interwoven throughout chapter 8. Find some examples of each. In 9:1-7, how does Isaiah describe the world and people to whom God would send his Son? Then, how does Isaiah describe the gift of God’s Son? Friday, December 6 Reading: Isaiah 10-11 ( 8 minutes) Short Reading: Isaiah 11:1-10 ( 1 minute) Chapter 10 is harsh proclamation of God’s law. What sins does God draw attention to in these verses? What future consequences of these sins does he mention? The ax of God’s judgment (talked about in chapter 10) would cut down the proud tree of Judah to nothing but a stump. Yet God promised a shoot would come from the stump of Jesse (King David’s father). From the house of David and from humble beginnings, the Messiah would come. What would he be like (11:2-5)? What is the impact of his work and reign (11:6-10 – where pictures from nature are used to describe the peace of the Messiah)? New Testament Connections: Isaiah 10:22 → Romans 9:27 Isaiah 11:5, 59:17 → Ephesians 6:14-17 Isaiah 11:10 → Romans 15:12 5