Devotion Booklets for Seasons of the Church Year 2016 | Page 9
Wednesday—November 30th
The Lord Takes Away the Punishment of His People
Zephaniah 3:14-18
Kids seem to know when punishment is coming their way. They have a keen sense for it.
That’s usually because they’ve just done something their parents told them they shouldn’t be
doing. Maybe they played catch with the ball in the house and broke something. Maybe they
ran on the pool deck, fell, and hurt themselves. When kids do something wrong they know
eventually they’ll be punished.
We have the same feeling when we do things against the Lord, our God. Our sense of
punishment might have changed as we have gotten older, but we don’t lose the sense of when
punishment is coming our way. We were supposed to honor our government officials but
instead we tore down their reputation. We weren’t supposed to lie but we told the boss lies
anyway. God wants us doing certain things which we don’t do. And God demands that we
not do certain things which we do. For every sinful action against the Lord, we’re like kids
waiting for parents to return from work. We’re waiting for the punishment. It’s coming, we
just know it.
Zephaniah had been quoting the Lord. Suddenly, the prophet broke in and shared news so
wonderful that he just had to get it out. The people needed to stop and consider what was
true for them. The Lord had taken away their punishment. They deserved the punishment.
God took it away. Now, you stop and consider this wonderful news! The Lord has taken away
your punishment. You deserved it; and in love for you the Lord removed it. The threat is no
longer there. Not only do you have forgiveness of your sins, but the Lord is with you and takes
delight in you. Having removed the punishment for our sins, the Lord, the Lord looks at you
with rejoicing. He sees the one he loves, and the one he has saved.
How can God take your punishment like this? Sin and guilt must be removed. The Christ child
whose coming we await is the payment for our sins and guilt. In Jesus, all the consequences
for all your sins are gone. God is present among you and with you. You can be happy because
God is happy. The Lord has taken punishment away from his people.
Lord God, you promised that sin and guilt would be taken away. Now, because of Jesus, I see
the benefit of his saving work in my life. You removed my punishment. I live with you and you
love me. I can smile today, knowing my punishment is all gone. Amen.
List some punishments you have received. Why did you deserve them? Compare these
consequences at home or work to punishment God could give but has taken away in Jesus.