Devotion Booklets for Seasons of the Church Year 2016 | Page 30

Sunday—December 18th O Come, Lord Isaiah 33:22 Are you frustrated by the government? How do you feel when public servants betray the public’s trust? Have you ever hoped for a leader who cannot stand corruption of any kind? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a leader who will always punish evil? Look no further than God. He gave his people his law. God made his expectations clear. The 10 Commandments show you how God expects you to treat him and everyone else. God can’t turn a blind eye when his law is corrupted. You can’t pretend you are free from corrupting God’s law. God sees evidence of your sin in your words. God sees evidence of your sin in what you have done and left undone. God sees sin in your thoughts. The LORD is your lawgiver and he is your judge. You have broken God’s laws and deserve punishment. Where can you turn for help? Where can you find salvation? Look no further than the King of kings and Lord of lords. Your king shunned corruption and personal gain because he wanted to free the guilty more than anything else. Your king is not hidden in some far away palace. He is Emmanuel, which means God with us. He is with you today and he will be by your side forever. Your King’s greatest victory looked like his greatest defeat. He took up his cross to take away your punishment, because he loves you more than he loves himself. He gave up his life to give you a future in your heavenly home. Jesus promises to make everything right. He will even wipe the tears from your eyes. Your judge comes to declare you not guilty in the sight of God. Rejoice! PRAYER: Oh, Come, Oh Come, Oh Lord of might, Who to thy tribes from Sinai’s height, In ancient times did give the law, In cloud and majesty and awe. Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel, Shall come to you, O Israel. ACTIVITY: As a family, privately have a short order of Confession and Absolution, confessing your sins to Christ, confident that he has graciously forgiven you. You can find such an order, which also allows for the confession of specific sins, in Christian Worship, page 154. 30