Devotion Booklets for Seasons of the Church Year 2016 | Page 23

Monday—December 12th Prepare the Way! Isaiah 40:3-5 Living in Atlanta, I pay attention to the news, particularly traffic reports. Traffic is awful here, especially when there are events downtown. When the US President paid a visit, the radio announcer warned, “Stay away from downtown!” because the secret service had blocked roads so the President’s ride from the airport was unobstructed. A long, long time ago, kings would send messengers to tell the people, “Prepare the way for the king!” People would then grab shovels and buckets to level rough patches in the road. Isaiah the prophet predicted something similar. “A messenger will come to tell you the king is coming!” God kept that promise and, 700 years later, sent John the Baptist, “the voice in the desert.” John preached, “Repair the roads!” - but he wasn’t talking about potholes. He wanted them to repair their hearts to receive Jesus as their Savior King. Did you know that Isaiah was also predicting your pastor, parents, and everyone else who shares the Word of God with you? God sends them to say to you, “Prepare the way! The king is coming!” I need to hear this message as I prepare for Jesus’ arrival - not just in Bethlehem, but also as King on the Last Day. The King is coming to take us to his kingdom in heaven! I need to hear this message because my heart often makes the road to welcome Jesus impassable. My sinful attitudes build mountains when I think, “I don’t really need to sit down with God’s Word today. I have so much to do. There’s the party to plan, the house to decorate (I want to win the subdivision Christmas contest this year!), the gifts to purchase and wrap, the project at work to finish before the end of the month. Besides, I’ve heard the Word before.” Only Jesus can bulldoze those mountains away... and he does. When we hear the call to repent (from Isaiah, John, pastor, teacher, parent) then we will turn from those sinful attitudes toward the cradle and cross and empty tomb. We will turn to water and word, to bread and wine, body and blood, and know we will hear and receive God’s promise, “Your sins are forgiven.” There we see our Savior King, whose sacrifice plows down the mountains of your sin, whose blood fills in the potholes of your guilt and whose perfect life levels the roads of your hearts. He prepares your hearts to receive him as your king. PRAYER: Dear Jesus, as I prepare for you to arrive as my King, remove all of the obs tacles that distract me from my focus on you. Bless the messengers you send with faithfulness. Amen. ACTIVITY: Find a map of your town/city. Locate the nearest airport and map the easiest route (without using Google) for someone important to travel from the airport to your home. 23