Devoted Issue 5 1 | Page 30

Business The Art of Networking By Karin Metz Use the word “Networking” in any conversation and you receive a variety of responses. Especially after you have clarified that you are talking about Referral Networking or Relationship Marketing and not Network Marketing or Multi-level Marketing. The business people nod their heads, knowing the value thereof. The introverts hang their heads, fearing the prospect thereof. The extroverts perk up their heads, immediately sharing their experiences and wisdom (or sometimes, the lack thereof!). I was often told while studying “it is not what you know, but who you know that will guide your success”. The challenge I faced was that I did not know HOW to get to know all the people I was suppose to know in order to help make things happen! Maybe you can identify with that? A survey of more than 2,200 people on revealed that 87% never had a college course that even mentioned networking. Yet, in another survey of more than 3,800 businesspeople, 73% said that they got most of their business through networking! Maybe you are a born connector? Maybe you know a little, but would like to become better at networking? Or maybe just the idea sends shivers down your spine? To network effectively is an art. But it can be developed if you learn the skills required. Through reading, training and coaching anybody who chooses to, can become an expert networker.. The longer you are in business – or in life – the more you will understand the importance of a strong and credible network. Let 2012 be YOUR year of networking effectively, connecting people to people and enjoying the abundant blessings that follow a “Giver’s Gain” attitude and life style. . . . . . 28