Devine Glory Magazine Worshipper: Summer 2013 | Page 3

MISSION The mission is to provide a platform that demonstrates the gift and talent of Christian Indie Artist around the world, and to provide an outlet for churches and businesses to advertise their ministry so that they can become as one. Psalms 133:1 Letter of Introduction ................................. 1 PUBLISHER Beyond Borders .......................................... 3 EDITORIAL CONSULTANT God + Me = ? ................................................ 5 Kenneth Smith Becky DeWitt LAYOUT & FORMAT Prodigal ........................................................ 7 Becky DeWitt & Yolanda Oliver Freedom Trail .............................................. 8 PRINTING Visual Expressions ..................................... 9 NTERNATIONAL MINUTE PRESS 312 West Trade Street Charlotte, NC 28202 STAFF WRITERS Becky DeWitt-Myrtle Beach, SC Rebekah Grice-Baker-Dillon, SC Apostle Veryl Howard-Washington, DC AnDrea Frondorf-Florence, SC CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Stephanie Suell-Columbia, SC LaNola Goings-Dillon ,SC Tiffany Andrews-Myrtle Beach, SC Pastor Sean Wilson—Waynesville, MO Joe McRae-Jersey City, NJ Send all submissions to: DeVine Glory Magazine PO Box 7383 Myrtle Beach, SC 29572 or [email protected] PraiZe & Worship Show ............................ 10 Worshipper .................................................. 11 Brightlights .................................................. 3 Generations ................................................ 14 Coach’s Corner .......................................... 15 Visionary ..................................................... 16 Marketing & Promoting ............................ 17 Area Happenings ........................................ 18 Greater Church ...........