Developing Horizons Magazine (2).pdf | Page 3

From the President’s Desk: The Price of Freedom This issue seems to have evolved to a point where we are looking at our country and realizing that certain aspects of our freedoms need to be examined. The nation we enjoy was formed out of tremendous sacrifice and suffering. Our freedoms were not granted because we requested them, but because we fought for them. Our American revolution had a very tenuous undertaking. It has been said that thirty percent of the people were willing to fight for it; thirty percent were loyal to the Crown and thirty percent were neutral. Ten percent were not even aware of the issues involved. Our nation was formed from a coalition of different nationalities because the colonies were a melting pot of humanity. We know the more famous patriots: Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, Revere, Adams, Hamilton and others. One patriot lesser known until recently was Haym Solomon, a Polish immigrant Jew who was credited with saving the war by arranging finances for the army. He sold bonds for the effort. To whom? I would suppose the people who were not committed to the effort but saw an opportunity to make money. He also used his own money to procure supplies. Most of the revolutionaries were left penniless and in some cases lost their homes. Some were killed, some tortured, some imprisoned. They paid the price for the freedoms we now enjoy. This year as we celebrate our independence, pause and remember those and all who have served in the fight to obtain and retain our freedoms. Pray that our leaders will recognize the threats we face and stop the political correctness that prevails throughout the government. We as Christians should pray more fervently than ever for our country and ask God once more to forgive and bless us. Joe Hale “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same” -- Ronald Reagan