What about you? Are
you overwhelmed with the
perils of change? Do you
think it is hopeless to even
try? Let me challenge you
to take a page out of this
woman’s play book and
become resolute in your
quest to change your life for the better.
Do you know what the key to becoming determined is
in your quest? You must expect results. The difference
between people who give up and people who press on is
simple. People who give up usually have no expectation
that they will achieve the desired results of their efforts.
People who change expect that their efforts will succeed.
This vision is the case with this amazing woman. She
expected results. In fact, she kept saying to herself, “If I just
touch his clothes, I will be healed.” Her expectation is why
she was able to overcome the potentially crushing hurdles in
her way.
Can I be blunt? When people sigh and tell me “Well, I’ll
try,” I already know that in most cases they’ll give up. On
the other hand, when someone says to me, “I must change.
I have no choice but to do so,” I am confident that such a
person will find a way to bring about the desired outcome.
What’s your attitude about your situation? Test yourself.
Do you really want to change? Are you desperate? Are you
determined? If so, you will do well to expect that you can
indeed achieve the desired result. Since I believe God is
Sovereign, I am truly amazed that Jesus tells this woman
who had suffered for so long “Your faith has healed you.”
Jesus didn’t say, “You are in luck. I feel like changing your
situation today.” She wasn’t just hoping Jesus would do
something about her situation. She expected Him to do
so. As a result, she took concrete steps to go after what she
needed namely Jesus to bring about the transformation she
desired. If we stopped here, we would be falling short of
another principle that the story shows us. Did you
remember Jairus? This woman cut in front of him in the
line and during the commotion the synagogue ruler found