Developing Horizons Magazine (2).pdf April 2014 | Page 26
God’s Creation:
Unique by Design
Unique by Design is a Biblical and powerful study.
Without any reservation, I recommend Diane to your
church or organization. As I write this, Diane is preBy Ron Rucker
senting Unique by Design each Wednesday night for
It was Diane Hale’s excitement and passion for hurt- eight weeks at Cornerstone, the church I pastor. Each
ing people that convinced me of a depth that extended week, I am seeing members encouraged in their discovbeyond her own ministry. This revelation became very ery of who they are in Christ. The world needs HOPE!
important when, as Director of Education at The Joy Unique by Design is a Biblically sound and powerful
House Academy, I saw clearly that these kids had no message of HOPE.
clue about God and their purpose in life.
In Diane’s own words published in a devotional seWithout a doubt, I was led by the Holy Spirit to ries entitled Catching the Wind, she writes, “What we
ask Diane if she would present Unique by Design each do with our moments becomes the memories of yesFriday for the fall semester. She said, “Yes”! What a terday and the mission for tomorrow; therefore, I set
blessing she was to each student. The message she gave my schedule before Him and, with the memory of the
them was “You are not atypical. God made you and pathway, ask, “What are the tasks alon