Developing Horizons Magazine (2).pdf April 2014 | Page 16
For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness
and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in
whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins (Colossians 1:13-14). The redeemed “kingdom” community is a place where, through constant encouragement
from others, the newly ransomed grow in the experience of their new-found freedom. Without connecting
to a healthy community, namely the local church (not
all local churches are healthy), the newly redeemed will
find themselves without the encouragement they need
to learn how to live the free life.
newly freed elephant into a wild herd. Over time the
elephant learns its place in the herd, begins to socialize
and finds a place as a free participant in the new family.
An elephant freed from captivity that does not connect
to a “free” community has a far less chance at survival.
The analogy is also true for those who are redeemed
from the darkness of addiction. Thus, the power of the
Cross transfers addicts of all kinds from a community
of bondage to a community of freedom, whereby they
receive constant ongoing support and encouragement
to grow in their newly redeemed life. In this way, the
cycle of addiction to destruction gives way to the cycle
This same truth applies to elephants who have been born of growth and freedom.
into captivity. The goal of freeing a captive elephant
into their natural habitat must include connecting the
How Does Your Capital
Measure Up?
others. We believe that truth is defined in the Bible and
that through the Scripture rightly understood and apBy Julia Jorns
plied, life’s many challenges can be met with assured victory as evidenced by Christ’s supreme victory to secure
"The legacy we will leave is not just in our possessions, salvation and eternal life for each one who will embrace
but in the quality of our lives."
Him as Lord and Savior.
Billy Graham
This entire publication is about your capital which
broadly defined includes all your assets. Capital is a
term which means the accumulation of many things
that accrue to your wealth as you live and experience
the gift of life. These assets accumulate in a number
of different areas of life. My career has concentrated
on the financial area. Subsequent articles in this series
will concentrate on specifics of the financial and tax
issues. In this first article, I want to