Developing Horizons Magazine (2).pdf April 2014 | Page 10
As a school principal, it breaks my heart to know what
monsters some of my students deal with every day. It
will break your heart and make you angry to know
what some parents put children through. It is sad when
a child cries because they don’t want to be out of school
for Christmas break, spring break, or the summer. For
some of our students, schools become a safe haven, a
place where they feel protected. While at school, the
child may get the only warm meal available, have the
only positive adult interaction, and for a short time
may be a child.
Several years ago, we had a second grader taking milk
from the lunchroom. My fear was the milk spoiling
and the student drinking it. When asked why, he stated
“It is for my little brother at home; all he gets is water.”
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Renasant - Jasper
I had two small students who were tied to the post on
the porch most of the night so they would not wander off. They could not go into the house because the
mother was having a party and, children were not allowed in the house.
251 Highway 515
Jasper, Georgia 30143
In another instance, a first grade student had a backpack that was infested with roaches. The roaches came
running out when she dropped the backpack on the generational problems. We must remember that children
are great imitators. They are also looking to be accepted into groups who will welcome them in as members.
I have had a student who made friends with the rats Unfortunately, most of the welcoming groups are not the
in her room each night. She said several would try to groups we want our children to join.
sleep in her bed and would bite her on the feet and legs.
You may be asking how tobacco is one of the two worst
There were two brothers who stated they had a buck- decisions a child can make. As a principal,every October
et on the back porch with a water hose. This is where we celebrate Red Ribbon Week. This is a time for teachthey washed their cloths, took a bath, and got drinking ing students about drug awareness. Tobacco is always
included in the lessons. I have never used any form of tobacco, but I never saw it in the same light as other drugs.
I have had a student living in one half of a double wide Two years ago, I became aware of the fact that tobacco is
mobile home. They did not have the other half. The a gateway drug.
opening was covered with tarps, wood, and paper.
The children I have introduced to you, had parents or
grandparents who were involved in drugs.
The findings form the National Institute on Drug Abuse Do you smoke? Do you drink? Do you spend time with
state the following:
your children? I don't mean time around your child; I
mean time with your child. Remember children are the
• 95% of high school seniors who smoked, tried illicit great imitator, so would you want them to imitate you?
drugs, while only 27% of non-smokers tried illicit
The answer to our questions is parents. We need par• 94% of smoking seniors tried marijuana compared ents to be parents. Too many of our parents are self-indulged in their lives and don't have time for their chilto 20% of non-smoking seniors
• 49% of smoking seniors tried cocaine, while 5% of dren. Thank God for grandparents; however, it is not
the grandparent's responsibility or place to raise their
non-smoking senior
grandchildren. I am very thankful many do. But it
I also find it very interesting that the world leader in to- should be the parent. The parent must meet the needs
bacco production mandates by state law that all public of their children. They must be the role models for their
schools must be 100% tobacco-free campuses.
children and they must teach their children how to be
Tobacco is a gateway drug making its use the beginning great parents. Do not let drugs, alcohol, and greed reof many of our students’ journies down this dead-end place your child. Your time together is very short. Give
your child something great to imitate.
Dr. Carlton Wilson is principal
at Jasper Elementary School.
He is also President of the
Coalition for a Drug Free
Pickens County.
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P.O. Box 1371
Jasper, GA 30143
Two of the worst decisions children can make involve
tobacco (a gateway drug) and alcohol. One would think
if children experienced the evils of abuse and parents
with addictions, they would never imbibe in these substances. However, this way of responding is not what
happens. Abuse and addictions become
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