• High Turnover : Compounding the problem of a nursing shortage is a high turnover rate among new nurses . On average , 10-15 % of any hospital nursing staff is considered “ new ” and the turnover rate among this group can range anywhere from 25 % - 60 %. New nurses are often confronted with complicated , high acuity patients requiring care they are not yet confident to provide , and many leave feeling overwhelmed by the responsibilities they are asked to assume .
• Nursing Shortage : Healthcare organizations will continue to feel the pain of an ongoing nursing shortage . The shortage is likely to be uneven throughout the U . S ., with some states having a shortage while others have a surplus . In 2025 , states on the east and west coasts will likely have nursing shortages , while states in the middle of the country will have a surplus of nurses .
In this environment , HealthStream is working diligently to offer solutions for healthcare organizations that will help develop and retain their clinicians . In this eBook , we look at the issues surrounding nurse competency and critical thinking . We also look at the role artificial intelligence is playing to support nurse development . Finally , we introduce jane , a new product developed by HealthStream in collaboration with IBM and their Watson AI technology . With jane , HealthStream is able to provide healthcare organizations with an AI-based product that serves as a digital mentor for nurses .
We hope you enjoy reading about the issues of nurse competency and critical thinking and that you are intrigued by the role artificial intelligence can play in your organization through such products as jane .