Using AI to Assess and Build Competency in New and Existing Clinicians
Customer focus is a key jane feature
HealthStream is working tirelessly to ensure that jane meets the needs of its users , whether they are the nurse leaders relying on it to guide workforce development decisions or the individual frontline clinicians being assessed . The list of features reflecting this commitment to customer needs includes :
• Accurate depiction of a student ’ s assessment status is derived by a complex scoring algorithm that has been amended and normalized for greater reliability .
• The SBAR ( Situation-Background-Assessment- Recommendation ) technique is a framework for structured communication between members of the healthcare team useful for framing any clinical conversation ( IHI , 2019 ). In addition to its value as a common mode for healthcare communication , the move to SBAR formatting for AI Critical Thinking Conversations helps to improve every student ’ s understanding of what is being asked of them during the AI portion of the assessment .
• To lessen the chance that students might enter data into the wrong portion of an assessment conversation , components allowing input have been restructured .
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