Developing Critical Thinking Skills | Page 15

Acute and post-acute care organizations are confronted with many challenges in today ’ s current economic and healthcare environment . One of many issues involves standardized clinical orientation and assessment programs , including validation of bedside competencies , which can be lengthy and costly with no promise of success . Typically , organizations leverage a one-sizefits-all approach , which cannot respond to the needs of individual employees , sometimes with disastrous results .
Imagine what it feels like to be an experienced clinician who is assigned the same introduction to your organization and its specific take on patient care and processes as a new graduate that you have just hired , with little to no clinical experience . Likewise , what if your new graduate nurses are not getting adequate orientation training , leaving them feeling lost , panicked , and ultimately disheartened about their choice of a career ? You might spend a significant amount on getting them ready to care for patients just to have them quit from the stress and frustration of not feeling adequately prepared . That ’ s why HealthStream has established the jane ® system as a highly reliable , effective , and evidence-based method for the assessment and validation of clinical competency - with the ultimate goal of a more targeted orientation , personalized developmental training and on-going maintenance of competency .