Buy here : http :// homework . plus / develop-a-list-of-no-less-than-10-el ements-you-would-use-to-determine-the-credibility-of-fa cts-articles-websites-news-etc /
Buy here : http :// homework . plus / develop-a-list-of-no-less-than-10-el ements-you-would-use-to-determine-the-credibility-of-fa cts-articles-websites-news-etc /
Assignment Instructions
Develop a list of no less than 10 elements you would use to determine the credibility of facts , articles , websites , news , etc .
Thoroughly explain each element and why it is important .
Your response can take the form of a table or PP presentation .
Remember to include detailed speaker notes if you prepare a PP presentation . The bulk of your text should be in the speaker notes . The slides are key points of your text .
Include credible references to support your recommendations .
You can prepare a simple table in Word or a PP presentation for this assignment .
Truthfully , I think the table format is the simplest . If you do not know how to create a table in Word , check You Tube for a tutorial . Keep in mind that You Tube has tutorials for just about everything !
Be sure to include a separate cover page and your references .