Detection and Treatment Guide Updated 2017 Detection-and-Treatment-2017 | Page 25

CT Short for CT scan, or computed tomography scan. CT is a fast, painless, non- invasive diagnostic tool that uses X-rays to produce cross-section images of the body. CTA (computerized tomography angiography) – In this procedure, a contrast dye is injected into the bloodstream prior to CT scanning. This process produces detailed images of blood flow in the brain’s arteries. Endovascular Within the blood vessels/vascular system. Endovascular embolization A procedure to treat abnormal blood vessels in the brain and other parts of the body by cutting off their blood supply. Familial aneurysms When an individual with an aneurysm has two or more first-degree blood relatives (a parent, child, or sibling) with proven aneurysms. Those family members are at higher risk of an aneurysm than people in the general population. Fusiform aneurysm An irregular-shaped widening of a brain vessel that does not have a discrete neck or pouch. Hemorrhagic stroke A stroke caused by a ruptured blood vessel and characterized by bleeding within or surrounding the brain. 24