Detection and Treatment Guide Updated 2017 Detection-and-Treatment-2017 | Page 10

Unruptured Aneurysms Most aneurysms are quite small and cause no symptoms unless they rupture. Unruptured aneurysms may be found by chance on tests performed for other problems such as headaches or carotid artery disease. Rarely, unruptured aneurysms may become large and press on nerves in the brain, causing symptoms such as blurred or double vision, a drooping eyelid, a dilated pupil, weakness or numbness, or pain above and behind the eye. If you experience these symptoms seek prompt medical attention. Unruptured aneurysms rarely cause chronic headaches. Unruptured aneurysms can also be discovered at the time a ruptured aneurysm is diagnosed. This is not uncommon, as one in five people diagnosed with an aneurysm has more than one. 9