Destinos & Descuentos ed.03 Edición 01 | Page 40

Publi reportaje La playa que nunca duerme / The beach that never sleeps Cantón Atacames En el mundo cada sitio, cada rincón tiene algo interesante que mostrar. Ubicado en un lugar privilegiado, Atacames es un destino turístico muy interesante para conocer. En su litoral se encuentran Tonsupa, Atacames, Castelnuovo, Súa, Same, Tonchigüe y en la parte interior (montaña), están La Unión, La Lucha, El Playón, Sálima, Piedra Fina, Guachal que con toda seguridad les acogerán con los brazos abiertos Territorio de amalgamados contrastes, se puede apreciar extensas y hermosas playas con rincones paradisíacos, lo mismo que visitar lugares con exuberante vegetación. Atacames atrae a los amantes del mar y el bosque tropical, a quienes deseen practicar sky acuático, buceo, pesca y navegación deportiva o simplemente disfrutar de las cálidas aguas de su mar. Recorrer los caminos rurales de cada una de las parroquias y recintos del cantón Atacames es una interesante alternativa de descubrir los paisajes campestres donde la hierba, las cañas guadúas y los árboles frutales se conjugan y armonizan en una sinfonía de colores y olores típicos del campo que atraen y enamoran. In the world every place, every corner has something interesting to show. Located in a privileged place, Atacames is a very interesting destination to visit. In its coastline we find Tonsupa, Atacames, Castelnuovo, Sua, Same, Tonchigüe and on the inside (mountain) are La Union, La Lucha, El Playon, Salima, Piedra Fina, Guachal that surely will welcome you with arms open. Amalgamated Territory contrasts, you can see extensive and beautiful paradisiacal beaches, like visiting places with lush vegetation. Atacames attracts lovers of the sea and the rainforest, to those wishing to practice water skiing, diving, fishing and boating or just enjoying the warm waters of the sea. Walking among the rural roads of each canton parishes and precincts of Atacames is an interesting alternative to discover the scenic countryside where grass, reeds and fruit trees Guadúas combine and harmonize in a symphony of colors and scents typical of the field that attracts and make you love them. Location The canton is located in the northwestern part of Esmeraldas and the northwest of the Republic of Ecuador. It borders the counties Muisne and Esmeraldas and the Pacific Ocean. It is composed of 5 parishes. On the coast: Tonsupa, Atacames, Sua and Tonchigüe (Same) and inside: H[?[??????[^?X?p????[???\??X?\?H[?\]Z\Y[???[?[?0???H[??Y[??HX?X?Y?[?H\?H???\?HH\?Y\?[\?H[?????Y[?HHH?\0?X?H[X?XY??[Z]H?????[??\?]Z\?HH\?Y\?[\?H??[???X[??X??Y?X??\?0?H????XY?? H\???]ZX\?[?H???N???\K]X?[Y\????HH??Y??H ?[YJHH[?[[?\?[??H[?p????????Y\?X?H??Y?XY?Y?X?[??[??X]?\?]\?[???\??[??X??[?H\H[?H?]X?[Y\?]?[?H?Z][????[?K????[X]H[?]?\?Y?H[\]\?B??[???Y\??X?\?HH\]Z\[ZY[???[?H???Y\?X?H?Y?X[ XY??Y?X????[\?\?\[????\?]\?[?\??\?\?H\???X?\?H[[Y?H[??[??HH?[?H]X?[Yp?XK\?\?[??\?Y\???H?X]\?\??\?K]X?[Y\?\??H?H?]?X?\?[?HX?XY?X[??[??\H[???Z[?????[?[\\?]\?\? ?H0??]?\?Y?JH[?H??Y??[??[?H??[???HYX\??H?XH\?[?]?\?Y?H[\\?]\?H? ?0??H?[[Y\??X\??\?????H?[?H?X?[X?\?????[XHH[\\?]\?B??[?[XH\???[Y?]X?[Y\?\?[??H??????Y?\?\?HH?[??Y??XHX?X]?X[?H]YH??HH[\\?]\?\????[?\? ?p????YY[?HH[????YX[?H\?[?H?\?H??[p?[?[X\???YH[?H[\\?]\?H??YY[?H ?0??H\?X?p??H?\?[???H^Y[?HH?[?[?HX?Y[X??K???????B??