Destination: INDIA Jun. 2014 | Page 6



India cuisine or Indian food encompasses a wide variety of regional cuisines native to India. Given the range of diversity in soil type, climate and occupations, these cuisines vary significantly from each other and use locally available spices, herbs, vegetables and fruits. Indian food is also heavily influenced by religious and cultural choices and traditions.

Overview Of Indian Culture and Diversity

Indian Culture and Diversity is one of the most interesting in the world. Not as much becasue of how diverse it is throughout India (not to say it isn't) but how diverse it is from the rest of the world. India and China are bordaring country's yet they arent nearly as simular as the US and Canada. Perhaps India's rich history brings out its diverse culture, after all, culture is greatly affected by culture in every country. So, in a way india's culture is just like all other county's cultures in two ways, it is the same in the way that is is affected by it's history. And it is the same in the way that it is different. All country's culture's are diverse. It is just a matter of how diverse, diverse to what, and why it is diverse. Look at Mongolia, It's culture is so greatly affected by China becasue it surrounds it on three sides. Yet Mongolian culture is very diverse to Indian and American. Why is this? It is becasue chinese culture is diverse, making mongolian culture diverse. There are a lot of ways for a countty to be different, like being the same. Also, there are a lot of ways for a county like India to be the same, by being different.

But what is different and diverse about Indian culture? Well, mostly all of it, exept for the fact that it IS diverse. If we start from the beginning, we began with languages. India is the only country that speaks Hindi as a non-minority.(9 others that speak minority including the US) In religion, India has about 950 million more Hindu practicers than the next leading country. In dance, no other county in the world goes to as much movies with dancers than India. In music, indian music was so diverse it inspired almost all neighboring countries because none of them had seen anything like it before. In architecture, It was so diverse in inspired countries as far as Iran. Finally in food, If you want Indian food in America you can certainly find it.

Does everyone get along or does diversity cause conflict?

There arent many diversity conflicts in India other than the ones about religion (like most of the world.)India is characterized by more ethnic and religious groups than most other countries of the world. Aside from the much noted 2000-odd castes, there are eight "major" religions, 15-odd languages spoken in various dialects in 22 states and nine union territories, and a substantial number of tribes and sects.

Three ethnic or religious conflicts have stood out of late: two occurred in the states of "Assam and Punjab; another, the more widely known Hindu-Muslim conflict, continues to persist. The Assam problem is primarily ethnic, the Punjab problem is based on both religious and regional conflicts, while the Hindu-Muslim problem is predominantly religious.