Destination Golf Travel (Autumn 2022) * | Page 19

Greater Madrid - San Lorenzo de El Escorial , Sierra de Guadarrama
Once the sun goes down , hit one of Madrid ’ s bars – it is said to have more than any other city in the world – and savour the city ’ s fun nighttime atmosphere , from clubs to traditional flamenco performances .
If you ’ re a football fan , try and catch a Real Madrid game – you can also take a tour of their famous Bernabeu stadium – or go and watch their arch-rivals and neighbours , Atletico Madrid . On home match days , you will find their fans celebrating in city squares .
Beyond the city , there are many more delights to discover in the Madrid region . Former royal summer residence San Lorenzo de El Escorial lies in the heart of the Sierra de Guadarrama mountains 60km northwest of central Madrid . Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984 , it is a magnet for visitors today for its many stately monuments and its cultural and leisure opportunities .
Cervantes ’ hometown Alcala de Henares , to the northeast , is another UNESCO site full of history dating right back to Roman times and incorporating Renaissance highlights including the University of Alcala and the Corral de Comedias . Take a guided tour through its history at the Regional Archaeological Museum .
South of Madrid , Aranjuez has been a royal site for over 500 years and the gardens of its ornate palace are also UNESCO-listed , together with the natural environment surrounding the municipality .
You can take historic trains to visit all three sites , with characters from history on board bringing their stories to life and local strawberries to sample on the Strawberry Train to Aranjuez . The impressive fortifications of Buitrago del Lozoya fortress , to Madrid ’ s north , have protected the town since the 14th century , becoming the residence of the Marquis of Santillana and the dukes of Infantado . The best-preserved castle in the Madrid region is the turreted Castillo de Manzanares El Real , in the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park – one of Spain ’ s largest national parks . Its history goes back to Spain ’ s reconquest .
The castle lies close to monumental granite formation La Pedriza , in an area of the park rich in flora and fauna with species such as griffon vultures abundant there . The Villas de Madrid is a group of 11 towns and villages spread throughout the Madrid region that are recognised for their cultural heritage and have kept their rural authenticity while offering visitors first-class facilities food and wines in settings as diverse as high mountain landscapes , moors and rolling countryside .
Among them are the charming village of Patones de Arriba with its cobbled streets , architectural heritage and excellent gastronomy ; historic Chinchon , surrounded by vineyards and olive trees , with the glorious Plaza Mayor at its heart ; grandiose Nuevo Baztan , where its city-centre palace , streets and squares have seen classic Hollywood movies filmed there ; and San Martin de Valdeiglesias , a must for its medieval castle , botanical garden and horticultural sculptures and the opportunity to taste wines from vineyards in the area .
WEB LINKS TO MADRID GOLF COURSES ASSOCIATION MEMBERS : Centro Nacional de Golf – www . centronacionalgolf . com Club de Campo Villa de Madrid – www . ccvm . es Club de Golf Lomas Bosque – www . lomas-bosque . com Club de Golf Retamares – www . golfretamares . com Club El Encin Golf Hotel – https :// encin . golf El Robledal Golf – https :// robledalgolf . com LaFinca Golf Los Lagos – https :// lafincagolf . es Escuela de Golf de la Federacion de Madrid – https :// fedgolfmadrid . com Golf La Dehesa – www . golfladehesa . es Golf Olivar de la Hinojosa – http :// olivar . golf Golf Park Madrid – www . golfpark . es Golf Santander – www . golfsantander . es Real Automovil Club de Espana RACE – https :// complejodeportivo . race . es Real Club de la Puerta de Hierro – www . rcphierro . com Real Club de Golf Las Rozas de Madrid – https :// rcgolflasrozas . es Palacio del Negralejo – www . golfnegralejo . com Real Club de Golf la Herreria – https :// golfmadridlaherreria . com Real Sociedad Hipica Espanola Club de Campo – https :// rshecc . es Real Club la Moraleja – www . realclublamoraleja . com
SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS Instagram – @ golfingreatermadrid Facebook – Golf in Greater Madrid LinkedIn – Golf in Greater Madrid
TOURIST BOARD WEB LINK Madrid Destino – https :// turismomadrid . es