DG : If you could re-hit just one shot , where would it be and why ?
SL : My bunker shot out of the 4th at Augusta a couple of weeks ago ! Hmmmmm
DG : What was the best shot of your career ?
SL : Bunker shot at the 18th , my 72nd hole , on my way to winning the Masters .
DG : Albeit difficult to choose , can you list your favourite par-3 , par-4 , and par-5 holes in Scotland ?
SL : Favourite par-3 is 11th at St . Andrews . Par-4 is 1st hole at Muirfield , then the 18th at Skibo , which is a fantastic finishing hole with the dram at the end to top it off !
DG : What are your goals and ambitions for the next 5 years ?
SL : Stay healthy and safe
DG : Lastly , if you could summarise golf in Scotland in five words , what would they be ?
SL : Tradition , Challenge , Scenery , Value , Hospitality .
Thank you for your time today and best of luck for the year ahead .