Destination Golf - November 2017 * | Page 76

Our Affiliate Partners

Ireland - Activities Ireland http :// www . activitiesireland . ie Italy - Emilia Romagna Golf http :// www . emiliaromagnagolf . com Italy - Italy & Golf http :// www . italyandgolf . com Mallorca - Mallorca Golf Tours http :// www . mallorcagolftours . com Mauritius - White Sand Tours http :// www . whitesandtours . com Morocco - Premium Leisure & Events Morocco http :// www . discover-morocco . com New Zealand - Playing around New Zealand http :// www . playgolf . co . nz Portugal - InGolf http :// www . ingolf . pt Scotland - Thistle Golf http :// www . thistlegolf . co . uk Scotland - Perry Golf http :// www . perrygolf . com Scotland - Scotland Golf Holidays http :// www . scotlandgolfholidays . co . uk Scotland - Scot Golf Travel http :// www . scotgolftravel . com South Africa - Golf in the Garden Route http :// www . golfinthegardenroute . com South Africa - Golf in South Africa http :// www . golfinsouthafrica . com South Africa - Golf South Africa http :// www . platinumgolf . co . za Spain - Barcelona Golf http :// www . barcelonagolf . com Sri Lanka - Island Leisure Lanka http :// www . islandleisure . lk Sri Lanka - Ananke Travels http :// golf . ananketravels . com Sweden - Swedish Golf online http :// www . swedishgolfonline . com Thailand - Phuket Golf Leisure http :// www . phuketgolfleisure . com The Netherlands - Golf Trip 4 U http :// www . golftrip4u . nl UAE - UAE Golf Online http :// www . uae-golf-online . com UK - Elegant Golf Resorts http :// www . elegantgolfresorts . com UK - Golf South West http :// www . golfsouthwest . co . uk UK - Strike Golf http :// www . strikegolftravel . com UK - Golf Escapes http :// www . golf-escapes . com UK - Golf Tours International http :// www . golftoursinternational . co . uk UK - Premier Iberian http :// www . premieriberian . com UK - Chaka Travel http :// www . chakatravel . com / UK - Dream Golf Holidays http :// dreamgolfholidays . com / UK / N . I - The Golf P . A http :// www . thegolfpa . com / USA - Classic Golf Tours http :// www . classicgolftours . com USA - International Golf Adventures http :// www . internationalgolfadventures . com USA - Unique European Travel http :// www . uniqueeuropeantravel . com USA - Pacific Golf Adventures http :// www . golfpactravel . com USA - SGH Golf http :// www . sghgolf . com / USA - Seaside Golf Vacations http :// www . seasidegolf . com Vietnam - Golf au Vietnam http :// www . golfauvietnam . com
If you are interested in becoming a Partner or joining our Global Affiliate program ,
please contact our PR & Marketing Team : marketing @ destinationgolf . travel
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