In the chapter ‘Wayfarers All’
in the classic tale the Wind
in the Willows – the Water
Rat becomes increasingly
agitated by the end of summer
preparations going on all around
him, especially those of the
birds who twitter and dream
and exchange stories of exotic
stopovers and warm sunny
African skies as they plot their
annual journey down South!
For those of you huddled up in the dark envelope of
a northern hemisphere winter, there is hope!
Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean islands are
only a relatively short flight away and with the
added bonus of no jet lag to contend with, this is a
combination that makes this region a perfect place
to land for the winter.
What is the region really like?
As a long term resident my answer has always been
that it is very similar to the champagne steps in the
swimming pool.
You can figuratively dip in your toes and enjoy
most of the essential sensory experiences of Africa
without any of the culture shock that can come
with a visit to many of our neighbours to the north
of this region.
Pic: San Lameer Golf Estate
This is not to dampen the adventurous spirit in
any of you, but rather to indicate that for those
who want to sample Africa and yet still have the
trappings of ‘civilisation’ within arms’ reach i.e. food
they can recognise, tarred roads, and a first world
infrastructure, etc. then southern Africa and South
Africa in particular, offers the ideal entry point
through which to initiate yourself into the marvels
of this continent.
For any golfers looking longingly at their clubs and
staring disconsolately through the windows at the
snow and sleet driving across their garden - this
region is a paradise.
Volume 4 • Issue 43