Family Vacation
The “5 cm” movie has inspired Wicaksono, chief editor of,
and his family to spend the school holiday at Mount Bromo, East Java.
t’s going to be fun to spend the holiday at Bro
mo, said 13 year old Sastra Jendra Hayudiningrat
and 10 year old Wangi Bunga Savana after they
watched the beauty of Mount Bromo on the “5
cm” movie. Their comments have moved their
father Wicaksono, known as Wicak, to plan the trip. He is
also known as “Ndoro Kakung” in the blogger world.
As holiday approaching the thought of Mount Bromo that
has cristalized in their mind was finally executed. This time
Wicak did out of the ordinary by planning the trip by air from
Jakarta to Surabaya.
“With the traffic condition it’s hard to enjoy the trip.
Jakarta, Bandung and the North Coast is always congested
espeially in June approaching the month of Ramadhan. Cost
wise it wasn’t too different driving and flying, but driving was
surely exhausting, said Wicak explaining his choice of vaca
tion this year.
Family Vacation
Photos: Dok Pribadi
Destinasi Indonesia |
The field trip
and hiking track to the
Bromo crater
After he made certain about the destination of the trip
Wicak set his vacation time. The departure date will be June
19-23, 2013. The next step, he went online to get informa
tions and recommendations. He also discussed the trip with
his wife and children. Through discussions and information
hunting in the internet they decided the destinations and
tourist sites that will be their target after the trip to Mount
Bromo. After a long search the family waas settled to make
Surabaya as the arrival and departure point from Jakarta.
“Surabaya is the alternative because there are lots of flight
in and out of the city. So there should be a lot of choices and
I can surf the internet to look for cheap tickets, explained
The next step is to arrange the itinerary. Jakarta – Surabaya
– Bromo – Batu – Surabaya – Jakarta will be the route and it
will be specified to a more detailed tourist sites. Again the in
ternet and friend’s recommendations are the best reference.
Next, Wicak surf the internet for cheap tickets, to book
a hotel for four days and a Toyota Hardtop as their trans
portation to cross the sandy plain of Bromo. “I was recom
mended To rent the jeep by a friend. My consideration was a
good driver who knows the area well. I got the price of Rp.
600.000/day including gasoline and driver.
Family Vacation
Photos: Dok Pribadi
Destinasi Indonesia |
Planned Trip
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