Destinasi: Tanjung Puting
Photo: Dok Destinasi Indonesia
Destinasi Indonesia |
West Kotawaringin (Kobar) is
one of the 14 regencies in Central
Kalimantan with the capital city
Pangkalan Bun or it is well known as
Kota Manis. The regency is situated
close to the equator. That makes
the sun shines so intensely during
dry season.
Kobar is regency that becomes
one of the Palm Plantation Centers
in Central Kalimantan. Therefore,
many workers from Java Island
come to make a living at the planta
tion. Meanwhile, Dayak, the native
tribe, usually live in the outskirt of
the city.
Last year, about 6000 tourist (do
mestic and foreign) came to Kobar.
Mostly (60-70%) are foreigner. The
average destination point is Tanjung
Puting National Park (TPNP), the
natural habitat of Orangutan. TPNP
is a tourist location and also one
of the world research centers for
Access and Transportation
Air Lines
Sea Lines
Pangkalan Bun is the city center and the capital city of
West Kotawaringin Regency (Kobar), Central Kalimantan.
Iskandar airport is in Pangkalan Bun. It is the only airport in
Central Kalimantan which is equipped with direct bunkering.
Iskandar airport is the arrival point for tourist from Jakarta,
Semarang, Surabaya, and Palangkaraya (the provinc