Designers Line Jan. 2014 | Page 10

The curvaceous forms of the interior are designed to guide shoppers to the back of the store. «There is a short route for quick daily shopping and a long route for weekend buyers,» Andras Dobos of LAB5 architects. A pair of curved white beams guide the shopper through the aisles, while fruit and vegetables are displayed within rounded counters made from Corian - a solid surface material that creates a smooth finish. A pair of curved white beams guide the shopper through the aisles, while fruit and vegetables are displayed within rounded counters made from Corian - a solid surface material that creates a smooth finish. Dutch Supermarket Spar’S Flagship Store In Budapest In other parts of the store, white beams zigzag between ribbed sections on the ceiling where wooden lengths are spread more sparsely. Curved counters are clad vertically with similar wooden lengths in the bakery. Walls are painted brown, in keeping with the natural feel of the materials. FEATURES A SERIES OF UNDULATING WOODEN FORMS THROUGH ITS INTERIOR BY LOCAL FIRM LAB5 ARCHITECTS M of costumers, so the layout is OM Park is a shopping mall organised accordingly. One can located in a wealthy district be shopping very quickly even not of Budapest. When SPAR entering across the gates. There decided to open its supermarket is a «short route» for quick daily there, they had the idea to build a shopping, and a «long route» for flagship store, and have a unique weekend buyers. All the forms in the design for it to achieve elevated interior are inspired by this flow of experience of shopping. They invited costumers. architects and interior designers to submit design THE DUTCH WORD «SPAR» From the proposals in MEANING PINEWOOD GAVE THE entrance a non-open IDEA OF USING «WOOD-LIKE» the ceiling is competition. LAB5 architects MATERIALS AT THE CEILING OR AT attracting you to THE WINERY. the back zone, won because of and then shows the look different possible ways to go on. The and feel of a market space, with block before cashiers doesn’t have a friendly industrial atmosphere. suspended ceiling, and it is just clear Luckily later 90% of the original and organised. ideas could have been realised. Located in a shopping mall, this retail can draw mainly three kinds Due to the condition of the modest internal height,