Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime Pro (2018)
is now available in the Kenyan Market
Samsung Product Manager Mobile Division
Ryan Mule takes a sel e with their Head of
Marketing Citizenship and PR at Samsung
East Africa Patricia King'ori at the launch of
the Samsung Grand Prime Pro (2018)
Samsung Electronics East Africa has
launched a new phone into the Kenyan
Market to capture the market share in the
mass market devices segment.
Dubbed as the Samsung Galaxy Grand
Prime Pro 2018, 4G smartphone, the phone
features a rear curved-edge design optimized
for comfortable handling. It also comes in a
variety of modern color, black, gold and blue
to �t in well with your lifestyle.
“Patricia King'ori Head of Marketing,
Citizenship and PR at Samsung Electronics
East Africa said the Grand Prime Pro 2018
gives Samsung Electronics an opportunity to
reach out to consumers in the mass market
segment who are looking for a device that
offers functionality at an affordable price.
“�e performance of the devices within the
segment will enable Samsung retain its
market leadership in the midst of growing
competition from new entrants in the
market,” she added.
Galaxy Grand Prime Pro also features a
brilliant 5 inch AMOLED display that
delivers true-to-life RGB reproduction for
| May
June 2019
an immersive viewing experience. It also
delivers high contrast ratio(100,000:1) for a
more enhancive multimedia experience.
�e phone improves the design of the Grand
Prime P;us and J3 2016 by offering a more
premium body with a curved back, reduced
bezel and minimal camera protrusion.
Featuring an 8.0 MP rare camera, the phone
has a Floating Shutter button that allows
improved grip and stability to give you more
control when shooting. What's more, you
simply have to drag the shutter button left or
right to zoom in and out when using its rear
What's more is the simpli�ed camera
functionality that enables users the hassle out
of shooting memorable photos. Its clutter-
free, intuitive interface allows for fast
changing, letting you access different image
modes with a single swipe.
Another interesting feature is the Smart Wi-
� that enables saving time while enabling
and disabling Wi-Fi. Galaxy Grand Prime
Pro stores Wi-Fi history and will
automatically switch on and off when
entering and exiting frequently used
hotspots. �is helps users en�oy seamless
connectivity while reducing mobile LTE
data usage when moving in and out of Wi-
Fi zones.
Design Network Africa
�e phone allows Dual Messenger, this
simply means that one can set up two
accounts for the same Messenger with
different purposes. Users can install and
easily manage the second Messenger account
simultaneously from the home screen and
settings menu.
�e phone comes with 15GB free space on
Samsung Cloud. �is lets you backup, sync,
restore and upgrade your data through your
Galaxy smartphone so you get access to
whatever you need, whenever and wherever
you need it. It also comes with 16GB
internal storage, and MICRO SD expansion
upto 256 GB.
Another interesting feature is the Samsung's
Secure Folder is a powerful security solution
that lets you create a private and fully
encrypted space to store and hide content
such as photos, documents and voice
recording �les under an additional layer of
protection that only you can access.�e
phone is available at a recommended Retail
Price of Ksh 14, 499.
Samsung Electronics East Africa also
revealed that they have been working with
Jamii Telecommunications Limited ( JTL),
the company behind Faiba 4G in testing
their compatible phones to work on the
network. Samsung said that they will be
pushing an over-the-air update (OTA
update) to their compatible smartphones,
starting with the Samsung Grand GPro
series of 2017 going upwards, enabling their
phones to work on Faiba 4G VoLTE