Design Summative 1 | Page 4

The past Thursday October 5, there was a storm in Monterrey must of the schools had a flood, but IAB had a difference plan classes were suspended must of the schools did´nt, some moms were mad at this event because they already left their kids in the school so they needed to go back for them, some kids were happy other mas because

lood in

the school


They needed to wait for a family member to pick them up, also must of the classrooms got wet also notebooks and books, it was slippery and smelled bad.


This is very important because we have money and things but other people don't, that's why the school is donating the items, is not because the are mean is because they care about other people.

On the IAB most of the kids loose their things and they don't go and get them , so this October 12TH the school is gonna donate the things that are lost to kids that really need them ,the school is gonna give the things, So the kids that have something in the lost things they need to go ad search it.

images not in the IAB