The branding process is quick and simple .
Choose Your Cover Image and Title
You can personalize your Quick Reference and Pocket Guides with a cover image of your choice . We provide many image options ( see the following pages ) or you may use your own high resolution cover image .
You can use the standard title or provide your own . Shorter titles work best .
Provide Your Logo , Accent Colors & Text
You will need to provide a high resolution image file of your logo . We ’ ll coordinate accent colors with your logo , website or you can select specific colors . You can use a tool such as plumtree . pro / colors to help you choose .
You can add a few lines of text . This may be your tagline and / or your website , email or other contact information . Space is limited , so we recommend using text that is practical and beneficial to your clientele .
Place Your Order
If you are branding multiple resources , add each one separately to your cart before you check out .
Contact us if you need a quote or would like to order with a purchase order .