Design Buy Build Issue 72 2025 | Page 39

The distinctive design of folding door profiles is often a deciding factor for many that choose to embrace these modern doorsets in their home . Yet , just as aesthetics and functionality can improve property value , so too can thermal performance .
Whereas the unique design of sliding doors usually leaves fewer gaps as a way of retaining heat , the energy efficiency of bi-fold doors is more effectively linked to the door system ’ s materials and installation . As such , adopters are encouraged to use trained professionals when installing the doorset , ensuring each element is fitted correctly first time . Similarly , end users are also reminded to review their folding doorsets at regular intervals postinstallation . Closer inspections can reveal drafts as a result of damaged seals and weather stripping and whether a door ’ s mechanisms are operating as intended and therefore closing to completion .
In any situation , the combination of poor quality systems and inaccurate installation can leave homeowners paying out more in the long term . The insulation properties of quality folding door applications on the other hand , can help homeowners to enjoy the best of both worlds during the winter - keeping homes heated in style until the sun decides to show itself again .
For more information , visit : www . briouk . com