Limestone is a soft , natural stone , which exudes personality and warmth . The attractive material is available in muted hues as well as more golden tones , from versatile greys through to enriching creams , as can be seen with both the Jura Beige Limestone and Jura Blue Grey Limestone . The natural feel of Limestone makes it a popular choice for bathrooms , due to its timeless and calming aesthetic .
Onyx is one of only a small selection of natural materials that are translucent , allowing light to pass through them , amplifying their beauty . The colour spectrum is extensive , from soft greens , such as the Green Onyx , right through to subtle pinks , such as the Pink Onyx . This material has become a popular choice in interior design , with it being particularly well suited to saunas and spa-like bathrooms , thanks to its luxurious yet soft and relaxing appearance .
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