You can have an excellent paint product , but if you don ’ t apply it properly , it won ’ t perform as it should . Companies need to take a comprehensive approach incorporating a raft of processes to ensure the paint performs at optimum levels .
It starts with the timber . Manufacturers such as George Barnsdale use engineered timber because it is more stable and provides an excellent base for the coatings
When the frames arrive at the paint shop , they go through a unique four stage process starting with two preservative coats applied with a flowcoater . This method ensures the coating gets into all the hard-to-reach areas .
Once the preservative has been applied , it is time to paint . George Barnsdale was the first manufacturer to use a robot to apply a high film build base spray coat and a top coat .
Whilst the material preparation and the paint processes are critical to the performance of the paints , in order to ensure a window or door will last 60 years or more , you have to build in good design too .
George Barnsdale has been at the forefront of research into joint designs with the BRE and was the first UK manufacturer to use internal beading in the 1990s . Processes like end grain sealing ensure that the timber is protected in the unlikely event the joint fails .
The terms “ paints ” and “ coatings ” are often used interchangeably . However , for the most part , paints are considered to be used primarily for aesthetics , while coatings are used principally to prevent substrate deterioration or for corrosion protection .
Modern coatings are nothing like the paints and stains of old . Unlike the lead paints of the past , today ’ s
coatings are non-toxic , water-based , microporous , and extremely durable . They must adhere to EN927 which considers durability , performance , and environmental impact . It also covers methods for measuring the thickness of coatings .
There is no getting away from the fact that modern coatings contain plastic . However , this is what gives them longevity , meaning windows made to BWF standards like George Barnsdale ’ s will last 60 + years with minimal maintenance .
By extending the life of a painted surface , less repainting is required , reducing the environmental footprint associated with manufacturing , transportation , and disposal of paint . In addition , there is the positive environmental ( and financial ) impact of not having to repaint every few years , hiring scaffolding , manpower , materials etc .
Of course , extending the life of the painted surface also extends the life of the window or door which also saves valuable resources over time as they need replacing far less frequently .
Architects and builders can help to increase the durability of timber windows by designing the building to reduce exposure to extreme weather . One of the ways of doing this is to follow the Victorians ’ example and set windows in reveal . This doesn ’ t have to be old-fashioned . You can make a design feature of it , as the architect did with the Orseh Kaneh building in Tehran .
Other ways to promote longevity of timber windows is to set them on stone , tile or aluminium and to avoid extended cills where possible .
Global warming is a huge concern , architects are well aware of the need to design environmentally friendly buildings . Timber is the most sustainable choice and the concerns around durability are addressed by specifying high-performance windows from companies like George Barnsdale . Hopefully , this article has helped restore faith in timber windows and doors .
" You can have an excellent paint product , but if you don ’ t apply it properly , it won ’ t perform as it should ."