Design Buy Build Issue 64 2023 | Page 69

Bespoke HVAC Solutions Nationwide
Specialists in the design , manufacture and supply of Trench , Perimeter & Pedestal Heating , Air Curtains and Fan Coil Casing .
LPHW Trench Heating Electric Trench Heating Heating & Cooling Trench Supply / Return Trench Plenum
Sill Line ® Wall Mounted Perimeter Heating Floor Mounted Pedestal Heating
Bespoke Fan Coil Casing
Over Door Air Curtains LPHW / Electric / Ambient Standard / Architectural / Recessed
Finrad ® Aluminium Finned Copper Tube
Refurbishments , new builds , residential and commercial .
All buildings are different . So our products are designed around the building .
For more information on our products and services please don ' t hesitate to contact us .
www . perimeterheating . com sales @ perimeterheating . com 31 Alvis Way , Royal Oak , Daventry NN11 8PG 07803 307 373