Shaun Scott , Applications Engineer for evacuation alert systems at Advanced , said : “ We fully support the ‘ Be Ready ’ campaign and encourage owners and managers of high-rise residential buildings to register with the Regulator . These buildings are deemed as ‘ higher risk ’, so it is vital to take all the necessary measures to protect their residents . Given the recommendations of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry owners and managers of high-rise residential buildings – whether existing or new-build – should be installing evacuation alert systems in their properties to protect their residents in preparation for a new wave of regulatory change on the horizon .”
Fire protection solutions manufacturer , Advanced , is supporting the new Building Safety Regulator ’ s ‘ Be Ready ’ campaign , which calls on industry to prepare for the new building safety regime , with the first step requiring those responsible for high-rise residential buildings in the UK to register with the Regulator .
The Building Safety Regulator ( BSR ) was established to protect residents in high-rise buildings from unsafe building practices in England in response to the Grenfell Tower fire . Aimed at owners and managers of high-rise residential buildings the ‘ Be Ready ’ campaign highlights their new legal duties . It also calls on those responsible for the safety management of higher-risk buildings to prepare for a new wave of regulatory change to ensure they are ready to step up and comply .
Under the Building Safety Act , high-rise residential buildings which are 18m or taller are defined as ‘ higher risk ’. Those responsible for high-rise residential buildings in the UK must take note that registering buildings with the new Building Safety Regulator is a legal requirement and owners and managers who have not complied by October 2023 will be investigated and may be prosecuted .
An evacuation alert system is vital to help fire and rescue services inform residents of a change in evacuation strategy during an incident . These systems give firefighters an additional tool to use on the ground , alongside existing methods of evacuation , improving safety for residents .
To comply with the amended Part B , an evacuation alert system should be provided in accordance with the recently revised BS 8629 Code of Practice for the design , installation , commissioning , and maintenance of evacuation alert systems for use by fire and rescue services in England . Advanced ’ s EvacGo evacuation alert system offers peace of mind as it was designed alongside fire industry leaders specifically to meet the recommendations of BS 8629 .
To register a high-rise residential building visit here : https :// www . gov . uk / guidance / register-a-high-riseresidential-building
For further information on the EvacGo Evacuation Alert System : Tel : 0345 894 7000 Email : EvacGo @ advancedco . com or visit : www . advancedco . com
These measures build on the Government introducing a package of improvements last year to further strengthen and clarify building regulations and fire safety guidance as part of wider reforms to building safety . In June 2022 updated Part B of the Building Regulations made it mandatory for all newbuild residential buildings over 18m in England and Wales to have an evacuation alert system .
Amended Part B is designed to meet recommendations from Phase One of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry . Currently the Part B requirement for an evacuation alert system only covers new-build , high-rise residential buildings . However , since the Grenfell Tower Inquiry also recommends evacuation alert systems for high-rise residential buildings “ already in existence ”, further regulation may follow so building owners and managers should familiarise themselves with evacuation alert systems in preparation .
Shaun Scott