Design Buy Build Issue 61 2023 | Page 6

At the heart of the residence , a stone wall stands like a mast , acting like an anchoring element for the house . Part space separator , part unifying architectural element , it accommodates three fireplaces and unifies three different levels . Present both inside and outside , this wall adopts the same language as the soffits , transposing the interior and exterior character . As such , these fluid and graceful gestures provide coherence and strength to the project .
Each material was thoughtfully and carefully selected . The expressive veining of the quartzite , with lines invoking the colour of water , the texture of the slate , the warmth of the oak and maple furniture , the maple flooring , and the western Canadian hemlock ceiling , combine to promote timeless architecture where the patina of both stone and wood form the base on which the house stands , will grow old , and will gain beauty .