Design Buy Build Issue 60 2023 | Page 9

Looking for a career in property ?

At Sava , we offer a part-time , Level 6 Diploma I had never thought of this as a career option in Residential Surveying and Valuation , perfect until someone told me they were doing the for anyone looking to start a new career in the course and told me a little about it . I will always property profession . There are no specific entry be grateful for that conversation which has requirements , and the qualification allows you to ended up being a life-changing chat over apply to become AssocRICS – AssocRICS shows tea and cake !”

Looking that you are qualified , for regulated a and career trusted , in property ? and provides a stepping stone to full chartered Steve was a wine advisor / delivery driver and prior At status Sava ( MRICS , we offer ). The a part-time course provides , Level 6 you Diploma with I had to that never he thought had been of this a painter as a career and decorator option

everything Residential you Surveying need to and become Valuation a Residential , perfect until for someone several years told . We me asked they were Steve doing what the made for


Surveyor anyone and looking Valuer to who start can a new provide career level in the 2 course training

him consider and told a me career a little residential about it . I will surveying always property surveys and profession valuations . There . are no specific entry be and grateful he said for : “ that I had conversation no experience which of residential has requirements , and the qualification allows you to ended surveying up being at all a ... life-changing Ironically , my chat previous over role apply Our graduates to become come AssocRICS from a – AssocRICS range of shows tea I was and delivering cake !” wine to one of our regular that you are qualified , regulated and trusted , and to

backgrounds provides become

. Katie was a secondary English a stepping stone to full chartered Steve a

customers . I mentioned to him I was thinking was a wine advisor / delivery driver and prior teacher but her personal life lead her into the of embarking on a new career to bring more status ( MRICS ). The course provides you with to that he had been a painter and decorator world of surveying and construction . She said : fulfilment and satisfaction , but ultimately was everything you need to a Residential for several years . We asked Steve what made “ After my partner and I built our own house not sure what path to go down . We chatted Surveyor and Valuer who can provide level 2 him consider a career in residential surveying and started a small property portfolio , my head some more and he told me he was a chartered surveys


and valuations . and he said : “ I had no experience of residential was turned ! I left education and worked in surveyor and had been for the last 30 years . I surveying at all ... Ironically , in my previous role
estate graduates
agency come
to get from
some a range
practical of
, ‘ on-theground ’ experience
I was
shadowed delivering
him wine
on a to
couple one of surveys our regular
and got the backgrounds
. Katie was before a secondary deciding English residential customers ‘ buzz ’ for
. I it mentioned . Over the following to him I was weeks thinking
I did many
teacher surveying but was her the personal route life I wanted lead her to into take the .” of hours embarking of research on a new into career the industry to bring as more a whole world


of surveying and construction . She said : fulfilment and felt and a career satisfaction in Residential , but ultimately surveying was would “ Fiona After my was partner previously and a I built Senior our Event own Manager house . not be sure right what for me path . Nearly to go down three . years We chatted on from that and She started said : “ I have a small always property been portfolio interested , my in head some decision more and I he haven told ’ t me looked he was back a chartered !” was buildings turned and ! I left property education and and grew worked up on in building surveyor and had been for the last 30 years . I estate sites with agency my Dad to get being some a property practical , developer ‘ on-theground ’ experience before deciding residential ‘ buzz ’ for it . Over the following weeks I did many
. shadowed Get in touch him with on a us couple today surveys to find and out got more the !
surveying was the route I wanted to take .” hours of research into the industry as a whole

Vocational training to become a Residential Surveyor

and felt career in Residential surveying would Fiona was previously a Senior Event Manager . be right for me . Nearly three years on from that She The said Sava : “ Diploma I have always in Residential been interested Surveying decision and I haven ’ t looked back !” buildings and Valuation and property and grew up on building sites with my Dad being a property developer . Get in touch with us today to find out more ! Delivered by industry experts
Direct entry into RICS and CABE

Vocational training to become a Residential Surveyor

Training locations across the UK
Part-time training delivered over 24 months The Sava Diploma in Residential Surveying
and Valuation www . sava . co . uk / education
Delivered by industry experts
01908 442158 | hello @ sava . co . uk Direct entry into RICS and CABE Training locations across the UK Part-time training delivered over 24 months

www . sava . co . uk / education 01908 442158

www hello . sava . co @. uk sava / education . co . uk 01908 442158 | hello @ sava . co . uk